High-Tech Engineering Infrastructure
BAW’s business and digital expertise supports Engineering, High-Tech and Infrastructure sectors in order to differentiate themselves in a complex and changing environment, with increasing constraints and uncertainties.
Industry as a whole has embraced transformation and the constant search for excellence and innovation as criteria for success, in an environment of:
- societal, social and environmental issues
- competitive and regulatory pressures,
- operational and financial risks.
To achieve their objectives and stand out in an increasingly competitive market, they must :
- Operationally
- Reduce innovation time to meet accelerating market demand
- Have visibility over business opportunities and order books
- Anticipate and manage the workload of their resources, especially its scarcest expertise
- Anticipate and deal with supply and sourcing difficulties for critical products and components
- Be able to recycle, repair and manage product returns
- In terms of performance management
- Ensure financial management and dynamic decision-making reporting on projects lasting from a few weeks to several years
- Facilitate and secure interactions between business management and accounting
- Carry out accurate, rapid and reliable invoicing, and effectively manage collections
- In terms of human resources
- Attracting talent and developing increasingly specialised skills
- Retaining valuable employees and ensuring their continued professional development
- Supporting the mobility of human resources required by clients.
The B2B Industry (aeronautics, space, railway equipment, power plants, machine tools) is characterised by a complex product, the contribution of many partners over a long life cycle and an increasingly globalised organisation. These industries are constantly looking for operational optimisations that will enable them to maintain or increase their market share. They are investing significantly in corporate and IS harmonisation, homogenisation and transversalisation.
From its establishment, Business At Work has positioned itself and its expertise for organisations that work on a business basis :
- Energy and utilities companies
- Engineering and high-tech companies
- R&D companies
- Research institutes and organisations
BAW has been deploying high-level expertise in these various business areas and technologies for 20 years.
To support our clients effectively, we intervene at all stages of the optimisation of their operational performance :
From upstream consulting on the organisation and optimisation of business processes, to the implementation of effective and proven management solutions, coupled with the possibility of taking full or partial responsibility for the operation of these solutions.
Our Credentials
in these sectors
As a specialist in service-oriented companies and business models, and our dual expertise in business and information systems, we can respond to the challenges you are facing, by assisting you with:
- Implementation of an Agile Project Portfolio Management
- Definition of processes and indicators to control working capital and financing
- Reduction of time-to-market
- Implementation of an Agile industrial organisation
- Optimisation of product life cycle management
- Structuring maintenance operations: fleet management and installed base management, support and after-sales service
- Managing the sustainable supply chain, product returns and recycling.
Our Business Case Studies
Each customer is a new adventure. Our customers trust us to advise and support them on complex issues.
Digitalisation des processus de contractualisation chez un leader de l’industrie automobile
Automatisation de la contractualisation pour un leader logistique avec Power Platform
BAW accompagne Reden Solar dans l’implémentation d’IFS Cloud
Intégration des données financières et budgétaires de l’ANR avec InfiConnect
Digitalisation de la Supply Chain pour une Manufacture Horlogère Suisse avec Anaplan
Do you have a
transformation project?
Business At Work can support your teams in the integration of new, more resilient, agile and responsible practices:
- Demand Driven, OP&S
- AMOA, change management
- Lean, process optimisation, KPI
- Traceability, serialisation
Discover all the news about our firm, the analyses of our experts, the dates of our next events, our articles and our resources in every aspect.
SAP S/4HANA, Accelerate your Digital Transformation!
Business At Work x Exertum, a winning combo for the SAP users
IS strategy in the age of cloud computing
“Cloudisation” of the Information System
Change Management in a Collaborative and Digital Context
Business Expertise
As an inevitable consequence of dematerialisation and digital innovation, managers are digitalising to improve processes and adapt to the market.
BAW can support you in your positioning to priorize your projects, and build a long-term vision for your company.