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RPA/APA: Automation and Dematerialisation

Le 21 November 2022

Automation and Dematerialisation: RPA as a Tool for Efficiency Improvement


Automation and Dematerialisation : Our Approach

According to a study by PMG, 98% of companies consider process automation to be a key driver of good results. But only 25 to 40% of them have automated their workflows.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a recent development that responds to the productivity challenge of the company. It improves the efficiency and quality of processes by automating, in part, the tasks entrusted to physical persons. It therefore allows teams to concentrate on high value-added tasks.


RPA/APA : Your Issues

RPA/APA, Vos Enjeux

RPA gives organisations the means to improve efficiency, while enjoying exceptional ROI.

The immediate benefits are significant, particularly in terms of :

  • Process performance,
  • Compliance and Quality of data and results from processing,
  • Availability of staff and maintenance of expertise,
  • Control of workload peaks,
  • Optimisation of external costs

This implementation must be accompanied by internal communication, which is essential for understanding the reality of the RPA.

Beyond the technical aspects, the real challenge is to offer all employees a new tool that highlights their own added value by relieving them of repetitive and tedious tasks that are often excessively time consuming.


RPA/APA : Our Contribution

Business At Work is an RPA player that advises decision makers and their teams and integrates solutions as part of your organisation’s digital transformation strategy.

RPA/APA, Notre ApportAn operational approach to digitisation based on 6 steps :

  • Knowledge and proximity to processes and associated solutions for 18 years : BPM, BPA and RPA;
  • For the analysis and understanding of processes, a Sector Expertise : Finance and Accounting, HR, Industry and Transport, Mutual Banks and Insurance, Services;
  • A Digital Factory organised as an RPA Competence Centre;
  • A capacity to intervene remotely (Nearshore), or on customer site depending on expectations.


RPA/APA : Our Offers

Among the offers proposed by Business At Work, in terms of Robotic Process Automation : RPA/ARA, Nos Offres

  • Advice and study for the organisation of an RPA programme opportunity(s)
  • Process audit and feasibility of an RPA project
  • Specific assistance in the selection of a market solution
  • Design, Integration and Deployment project
  • Provision of RPA resources at the client’s site (fonctional ou technical)
  • Provision of RPA resources remotely (nearshore technical competence centre)


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